Simple, effective anti-virus for home & business

Going back around 12 years ago, we spent a considerable amount of time testing many different anti-virus platforms, whether it was a comprehensive internet security solution or a basic anti-virus.  Through our exhaustive research, we concluded that a brand called Trend Micro Internet Security addressed what we examined to be the necessities of anti-virus software.

Trend provided a simple to use platform.  It wasn’t intrusive, nor was it system resource-dependent.  This means it didn’t prompt the user every time a tiny file or website code or mouse click occurred while using your computer.  For the majority of computer users, your anti-virus doesn’t need to be this intrusive; you need it to focus on the real threats. What we also liked was that it didn’t drain the life out of the device battery ultimately extending the lifespan of computers and laptops – unlike many other anti-virus competitors at the time.

An anti-virus should be simple.

In my professional opinion, an anti-virus should be simple.  It should sit very quietly in the background and only alert the user when something of high importance is detected, ensuring your device and data is protected all the while not being a drain on your system.

Fast forward 12 years.

Most existing Internet security platforms have modified their software from the simple, well oiled, easy to use, with little user input (which attracted us to the software in the first place) to now being disruptive, excessive scanning, alerts and updates that can be time-consuming for the user.  Our users are also seeing massive (negative) impacts on their processing systems, which is contributing to slowing their computers.  Overall it has become a more complicated system to use.

Providing peace of mind your data is protected from online viruses

What was once a valuable and efficient security system is now ineffectual.  So last year we began investigating alternative options utilising vital feedback from our customers, the anti-virus needed to be simple to use with a straightforward subscription all the while providing peace of mind their data is protected from online viruses.

We have now discovered an anti-virus solution that we were able to brand as our own, but also addressed what our clients wanted and what we knew they needed.

PTS Defender: Anti-Virus software for personal and business

PTS Defender is simple and effective just as anti-virus software should be.  We are also able to offer two different products based on customers needs:

  • PTS Defender Personal – security, anti-virus
  • PTS Defender Business  – security, anti-virus and online management of system  – this allows our Tech Team to see if and where your device may be failing

What has also been attractive to our customers is no renewal periods!  With a simple monthly direct-debit (just like Netflix) and no lock-in contract and best of all, no subscription that you have to renew.  This is enormous peace of mind knowing that your computer and data is safe.

Reassurance that your family devices are protected

So how do you change over? There are two options:

  1. Wait until your current yearly subscription is due for renewal, call our office, and we will change you over to PTS Defender
  2. Or if you are ready now for a simple and effective anti-virus that doesn’t drain your battery or slow your machine down, call our office and we will change your subscription now

As a bonus, for home users, we are also offering discount monthly subscription fees if you have more than one device in your family.

So if you want an anti-virus security system that:

  • Notifies you of REAL and IMMEDIATE threats
  • Provides security for your business data
  • Protects your family from the gremlins on the internet
  • Doesn’t slow your computer

Then PTS Defender is just for you. 

Monthly subscriptions start at $10 per month.  Want to know more call (08) 8582 4200, send us an email or send us a DM on Facebook.


What is a Managed IT Provider?

An IT Managed Services Provider (MSP) is a third-party company that provides a range of technology solutions based on the organisation’s needs. These solutions include

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