Importance of backing up and keeping your data safe

Thanks for reading today and welcome to the next blog in our series about Managed Services. In today’s blog I’m going to talk about backing up and keeping your data safe when your business is online or in the cloud.

The most valuable asset your business has is your data. Maintaining a copy of your data is paramount not only to the operation of your business but also mitigating your risk as a business owner. Imagine waking up one day to find all of your data completely gone!

Backing up your data is a critical component of any business strategy.  We have been searching and testing different software and platforms over many years to finally have a solid, reliable solution that is not only secure but also includes activity reporting and most importantly exists outside of the Microsoft ecosystem.

Managed Services Backup

Now some people may find this contradictory to what we are trying to achieve; however, I am a big believer in not having all of your eggs in one basket.

While the Microsoft platform has proven to be extremely reliable and safe, we still believe it is important to have a copy outside of this ecosystem in the event of a worst-case scenario.

Users can often unwittingly (or on purpose) delete important emails or OneDrive data or SharePoint files.  If this happens, by utilising the PTS 365 Backup, we can quickly search for and recover the data.  With added security measures, you can be reassured that we cannot see the contents of the data, we can only see the name of the file or email.

Further security measures means we are only able to restore your data to your Microsoft ecosystem; specifically, this means there’s no way that we or others can export or steal your data.

As an added option, if employees leave and you don’t want to continue paying a user subscription fee, we simply store their emails and shared documents within your backup system.  This is a beneficial way to retain their data and access it if needed, without having to incur ongoing subscription costs for email and user hosting.

If you are an organisation that is obligated by statutory regulations to maintain records for certain periods of time, our backup is designed to help you retain and archive critical business data to allows you to meet your compliance obligations.

You will also be pleased to know our backup system provides a point in time restoration for your Microsoft Exchange mailboxes or email accounts.  Your emails are automatically backed up, up to six times a day. OneDrive and SharePoint accounts are backed up, up to four times a day giving you multiple daily restore points.

Here are some of the standard features:

  • Back up Microsoft 365 Exchange every four hours.
  • Back up Microsoft 365 OneDrive every six hours.
  • Back up Microsoft 365 SharePoint every six hours.
  • Retain and recover Microsoft 365 Exchange data for seven years.
  • Retain and recover Microsoft 365 OneDrive data for one year.
  • Retain and recover Microsoft 365 SharePoint data for one year.
  • Data allocation of 1Tb per user.


Yes, Microsoft does provide some level of backup; however, as we have found in the past, it is extremely difficult to retrieve this data.   It is also worth noting that in the event that an email needs to be restored Microsoft will restore the entire mailbox without the folder structure.  If you are and efficient person that stores their data within folders under your inbox you will lose your folder structure; and as you can imagine it would be quite a mess and difficult to find that one email!

If you have any questions about the content of this blog you can send me an email or call our office on (08) 8582 4200.

Once again thank you for reading today, stay tuned for the next blog discussing the number one priority for your business – SECURITY!

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What is a Managed IT Provider?

An IT Managed Services Provider (MSP) is a third-party company that provides a range of technology solutions based on the organisation’s needs. These solutions include

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