How remote access technology can help you

Remote access is nothing new, but as COVID-19 and more and more social distancing restrictions come into force, we are implementing this technology to assist more and more of our customers.

Not, only is it the key to us helping you remotely with Tech Support but it is also a tool that you can implement into your workplace (or work from home) so you can not only assist employees and colleagues but also access your work from home.

So what is remote access?

Remote access is the ability to access a computer or a network remotely through a network connection.  Remote access enables users to access systems they need when they are not physically able to connect directly.

Here we explain a few of the ways we use remote access technology and other ways you can use it in your business.

Pippos Tech remote support

We use Splashtop, a well-known and trusted remote access software.  Splashtop allows us to gain secure access to your desktop or laptop so we can help you resolve your computer issues.  In most instances, we use Splashtop to replace our standard onsite service calls.

So next time you need Tech Support all you need to do is download the FREE Splashtop software to your computer then call our Tech Team on 08) 8582 4200.

To download click here

We have also put together a simple to follow How-To Video on how you can download Splashtop.

How-to download TeamViewer

Remote support for your small business

You can also implement the same protocols we are using when one of your staff members or a colleague has an issue.  It can sometimes be difficult troubleshooting (over the phone) an issue when you can’t see it.  TeamViewer allows you to remote into the computer and show someone how to fix or even do something.  It could be something simple like teaching them how to find a file or using a function within Microsoft word.

You need to make sure each of you has TeamViewer and the person who is connecting remotely in needs to enter the security code from the computer you are accessing.

Remote access for your small business

As a lot of us transition to work from home, or even when we get back to normal and you resume business trips, TeamViewer remote access allows you to remote into your work computer.  You can access desktop files just as if you were sitting in front of your office computer.

If you are in the process of setting up your business from home why not take a look at our Work From Home Checklist.


What is a Managed IT Provider?

An IT Managed Services Provider (MSP) is a third-party company that provides a range of technology solutions based on the organisation’s needs. These solutions include

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